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LovePornCams DMCA

LovePornCams doesn't plagiarize webcam models' content and respects owners' intellectual property rights. It makes use of information supplied by the cam companies that produced or uploaded the footage for the models.

Our service helps cam models gain more users and admirers by promoting webcam streams to a larger audience.

We don't host or share live video broadcasts from models. The cam businesses host the live broadcasts of the shows.

We don't capture live webcam broadcasts. Through API, they are automatically gathered from tube websites.

LovePornCams, a marketing partner of the cam companies, has collected all model content visible on model profile pages, including nickname, profile photo, tags, and other information, legitimately.

The terms of service of the individual webcam companies and the models they use govern the usage of all content on this website. We adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in full.

If you are a cam model whose video is on our website, you should be informed that, in accordance with the terms of service of the webcam firm that employs you, we have the right to utilize your content to advertise your live broadcasts and draw in more viewers.

However, if you let us know that you've ceased camming, we'll delete your content. Send an email to [email protected].